Saturday, 1 October 2016



Your brain has two cell mechanisms, one of these is the success cell mechanism and the other is the “failure cell mechanism.”
“If you are trying to achieve a goal, there will be roadblocks, I have had them, everybody has had them, but obstacles don’t have to stop you, if you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” - Michael Jordan.
The second quote from a popular basket ball player reminds me of youngsters who quit at the slightest instance of challenge or run away from life’s pressure. These youths, who I consider as the live wire of any nation, seem to be the worst victim of this phenomenon. Many have failed to realize that the art of success lies in the process of facing challenges. According to Normal Vincent Peale, “When God wants to send you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem. The bigger the gift that God wants to send you, the bigger problem he wraps it up in.” Napoleon Hill in one of his books wrote, within every problem or challenge lies the seed of greater opportunity or benefit. Your job is to find it.

This page is however, dedicated to all youths who are almost giving up and running away from their God giving responsibilities. Woodron Wilson reminded me that, “leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise.” 

So each time you are about throwing up the towel, think about this; as a youth, you are a dealer in hope- Napoleon Bonaparte. Youth is the most powerful and creative force God has ever created. In all his assignments and responsibilities, He made use of almost 85% of the youths in the bible. We have heard the stories of people like Abel, Isaac, Joseph, Daniel, and the three Hebrew youths, see Daniel 1; 17. In the New Testament we had the like of Jesus Christ, Silas, Timothy, among others.

In this our modern age, the basic question we should ask ourselves is this, are the modern youths excluded from this God giving responsibilities or the youths themselves have ignored their responsibilities? How can we become creative and purposeful to our God, the family we belong, friends, relatives and the society at large? Yes, the answer is simply yes, we can, if only we are ready to apply the following simple secrets:

1.         DEVELOPING THE “I CAN MENTALITY” Your success has nothing to do with God. God has given us the will power to either succeed or fail (Deut. 30:19). It is your personal decision that makes the difference. Now note this, your brain has two cell mechanisms, one of these is the cell mechanism for success and the other is the “cell mechanism for failure.” It is what is activated inside of you that determine which of this mechanism function effectively. One thing you must know is that, the cell mechanism for failure is always at work, you do not need much to activate it but you need so much to control and reduce its influence. It is the only part of the human nature that is at work unconsciously. You do not need any lesson to activate the brain cell of failure, but you need so much to control it. That is the reason people do not learn how to be lazy, dull, dormant, and poor (spiritually, mentally and psychologically). 

You can just be sleeping while others are at works and you achieve failure. Proverbs 6:10-11 rightly said it “ A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and your poverty (failure) will come upon you like a vagabond and want like an armed man”. You see the benefits of being a failure. You do not need to struggle to become a failure (poverty). You do not need much to remain poor. What you need is just eat and sleep while others are at work. You do not need neither planning nor commitment, simply sit down and do nothing and you will achieve poverty. For one thing is sure, the easiest thing to do is doing nothing.

But when it comes to the success mechanism, it requires so much energy, planning and creativity. You must understand that it takes so much more to activate the success cell mechanism. It takes so much to nurture to seed or the brain cell of success to grow in the right direction of life. This is the reason you see successful men doing a whole lot of planning, commitment, and dedication. They put their mind and brain to work even when they are sleeping. Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” put it this way; “whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe; it can also achieve.” Unlike the failure mechanisms where you do not have to do much work to activate it except you control it. The success mechanism requires the specify foods such as prayer, that is why II Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing” meaning continue to feed the spiritual man (the brain cell of success). Philippians 4:8 put it this way,” whatsoever that is true, honorable, just, fair, excellence, pure, grace, lovely, anything worth of praise (success) think about those things, and continue to feed your brain cell of success with those things. Very unfortunately, many have activated the mechanism for failure and locked up the mechanism for success knowingly or unknowingly.

Your thought determines your purpose,
your purpose go forth into action; actions form habits, habits decide characters and character fixes your destiny-
Tryon Edward.”

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